This month is an incredible mid-year moment to reflect on the well-being of the men in our lives; quite possibly yourself! Take these stats into consideration:
Here are some current Men's Health Stats from the CDC and MHN:
13.2% of U.S. Men 18 years and over are in poor health.
40% of U.S. Men 20 years and over are obese.
52% of U.S. Men 20 years and over are diagnosed with High Blood Pressure (hypertension) and/or are taking antihypertensive medication.
Testosterone is linked to elevated LDL, the bad cholesterol, and declines in HDL, the good cholesterol.
Men have fewer infections-fighting T-cells and are thought to have weaker immune systems than women.
The Magic of Functional Blood Work: The Key To Prevention, Management, and Vitality
A comprehensive blood test will show you where you're running low and how to address deficiencies right away.
Having blood work taken and evaluated regularly (every 3-6 months) can help:
- Detect problems before they become bigger issues like heart disease, high cholesterol, cancer markers*, and diabetes.
- Monitor any changes, good or bad.
- Monitor the benefits of any natural or pharmacologic interventions.
.If you haven't had your blood work taken and evaluated by our educated team of medical professionals, this is the first step above all else when a client walks through our doors with wellness concerns.
After the test, our practitioners are able to understand and define the best care plan that suits your needs.
DXA Scan: Assessing Visceral Fat (VAT) Risks
The DXA Scan is a quick low-powered 6-8 minute head-to-toe x-ray scan of your body composition. This scan measures how much body fat you have, including Visceral Fat, how much lean mass you have, and your bone mass.
Why Is This Important?
DXA Scan is the only method that is both easily accessible to the general public and cost-effective for the assessment of Visceral Fat (VAT) risks. Some of the risks posed by high amounts of Visceral Fat are:
High blood pressure
Type II Diabetes
Colon/Prostate cancers*
High Cholesterol
Elevated liver function
Hormone Irregularities
What is Visceral Fat (VAT)?
Visceral Fat is fat accumulation around your vital organs and inside your intestines that in high amounts, becomes a toxic metabolically active organ itself. Measuring your Visceral Fat with the DXA scan is painless, quick, and life-saving.
By discovering how much Visceral Fat you have and the risks it presents, we can provide actionable and affordable solutions for you to address this issue before it becomes a serious medical condition as well as helping to create a care plan to fight any disease or condition associated with high VAT if you already have it.
Fighting and Preventing Disease with Nutrition: The RMR Analysis
The RMR Analysis is not a widely highlighted assessment in the health and wellness industry, but the information it provides is crucial and can make all the difference. It is a technology used by Dietitians, Nutritionists, Professional Athletic Teams, Physicians, and Prestigious Research Facilities.
RMR stands for Resting Metabolic Rate and it's a test that takes approximately 20-minutes to conduct. The only thing you have to do is breathe. You'll breathe into a hose as you're relaxing in a chair while the machine measures Oxygen and CO2 levels in the air you exhale. This determines the amount of calories you burn in 24-hours in a rested state, during your everyday work life, and 30-minutes at a moderate pace of exercise. It can even tell you if your metabolism is fast, normal, or slow and if your body wants to burn more sugar or fat on the day of the test.
The test requires 8 hours of fasting (no food, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or exercise) prior to your appointment, and can help you and your professional team define daily calorie intake ranges that are appropriate for your needs.
How Can This analysis Help Me?
Did you know that under-eating calories and having improper macronutrient balance (protein, fat, and carb) can be just as bad if not worse than overeating*? By undernourishing your body and overworking it, you're actually killing healthy immune cells, leaving you more vulnerable to getting sick more often and developing serious conditions.
The RMR Analysis can help shed light on your daily caloric needs to support your lifestyle and wellness goals, which helps you work with your body instead of against it for better results no matter what your goals are!
RMR is also a very important component of your Care Plan when addressing issues surrounding high VAT, high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other metabolic disorders.
Ready to address your wellness concerns?
The first step is taking a look inside with blood work. Book your FREE Micronutrients Test today, available at all Liquivida Wellness Centers®
If you are interested or have questions about the Metabolic Health Division services? Book a private consultation with Heather Wright, R.T.(R) CHN and she will address your questions, evaluate your wellness goals and provide recommendations for your needs. Our Dexa Scan and RMR Analysis are only available at our Fort Lauderdale Beach Wellness Center.