A Better You - Liquivida's Blog

The Best Anti-Aging Treatments

Written by Jake Muller | Jul 11, 2017 9:49:30 PM

Although Ponce de León never found the legendary spring that restores youth to whoever drinks or bathes in its waters it, the idea of being able to turn back the clock and look younger has inspired many doctors and scientists to look for ways to fight aging. Luckily, there are ways to look and feel youthful without the difficulty of having to go on a mythic quest for the Fountain of Youth. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best anti-aging treatments to help you find your own version of the Fountain of Youth.

What Does Dysport to Your Skin?

Have you ever heard of Dysport before? It is a botulinum toxin that helps remove wrinkles, frown lines, and crow's feet from your face. Simply put, it is another brand name like Botox or Xeomin. If you still have no clue about what we're talking about, it’s a version of a toxin that is used to create a controlled paralysis of certain muscles. In fact, one of the first uses for botulinum toxin was to help correct lazy eye.

The way it works is by blocking signals from the nerves to the muscles. The injected muscle can no longer contract, which causes the muscles to relax and soften. This helps "tighten" certain areas of your face so that they don't droop as much. The process of using it to reduce signs of aging can only take a few minutes and doesn’t require any anesthesia.

Both Dysport and Botox are quite similar but differ in small ways such as how long it can take to kick in. The best solution is to talk to your doctor to see what they recommend. But if you want to look younger quickly, safely, and efficiently, Dysport is one of the best ways to go.

How Does Restylane Work?

If you're not familiar with Restylane and you're looking for anti-aging and beauty treatments, this is one you should know. Restylane is a brand name for different types of injectable fillers. If you're not familiar with fillers, they are a very popular way to increase the volume of certain area of your face. They pretty much help your face look more youthful instead of sunken in or drooping.

Restylane can be used for helping to plump your lips, cheeks, jawline, or forehead. This anti-aging solution uses a specific formula of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occuring substance in the body. Other uses for hyaluronic acid are to help with osteoarthritis, to aid in different types of eye surgery, and to heal wounds, burns, and scars on the skin as a skin care moisturizer.

If you're still unsure, remember it’s basically as popular as botulinum toxins, just as easy and safe to get done, and gives your face a fuller, younger look, while diminishing signs of aging. If you want people to be fooled about your real age, Restylane can help you out.

Get Lipotropic Injections to Lose Weight Fast!

Another great anti-aging option to try are weight loss solutions such as lipotropic injections. Lipotropics are compounds that help speed up the breakdown of fat. There are some lipotropic compounds that occur naturally in the body, such as Choline. These compounds help keep the liver healthy by removing excess fat and bile. By helping to break down fat in the liver, lipotropic injections can help you maintain weight loss, boost your energy, increase your metabolism, keep your skin tone healthy, keep your nails growing strong, and even promote healthy hair growth. They’re also a great way to give your body a boost in fighting the signs of aging and helping you to feel younger.

Weight gain is fairly common as we get older and as we age it becomes more difficult to fight. You simply don’t have the same energy and time you did when you were younger. With our weight loss solutions, you can get that energy back and improve your metabolism so that weight loss becomes easier. One of the best ways to feel young again is to have a body that looks younger and lipotropic injections are an easy way to achieve that goal.

Reduce Signs of Aging With Vitamin IV Therapy!

Ponce de Leon's fountain of youth may not actually exist but fortunately, we at Liquivida found something a bit like it. It's called the Fountain of Youth IV drip and it's purpose is to help make you look younger. Of course, it doesn’t contain any mythical spring water but it does have vitamins and minerals specifically chosen for their ability to do things like rehydrate your skin after too much sun, improve the health of your hair, nails, and skin, reduce visible aging signs, and detox your skin.

If you've never had IV therapy, it’s a safe and affordable procedure that directly transmits important nutrients into your system, more efficiently than consuming them. It can help you look and feel younger within a few minutes. Vitamin IV therapy is also on the rise, and is becoming more and more popular due to the ease with which it is done and the competitive pricing. It’s also an easy way to access important vitamins and minerals your body needs that you sometimes don’t get enough of. If you want to help turn the clock back on your body, IV therapy will help you press the rewind button.

Now, How Can You Stay Young and Beautiful?

If you want to look younger there are a few options to choose from. Some are merely cosmetic, others can actually aid your body in the process. It helps to set achievable goals and do the research to find out which will work best for you. You can also try combinations of different processes to get the maximum benefit. Whatever you choose, also remember that you're only as young as you feel. Looking young is one thing but if you feel young too, that's even better. There are a few options above that can help you do both, but make sure you do it quickly because you won't be young forever!