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How to Rejuvenate Your Skin Using Growth Factors

Written by Jake Muller | Feb 23, 2018 9:45:10 PM

What comes to mind when you first think of vampires? Blood, fangs, bats, funny accents, sparkling teens? What about facelifts? That probably doesn’t cross your mind. You're probably thinking of Dracula at the plastic surgery office worrying about his wrinkles. Well you don't have to be one of the undead to rejuvenate your skin. There is a health trend out there that will make you look young again without having to bite the neck of some poor stranger. It does, however, involve blood. Curious? Squeamish? Bloodthirsty? Read on to find out about what this strange new healthy trend can do for you.

How Does the PRP Facial Work?

The PRP or Platelet-rich plasma, is injected and combined with the use of some proteins and filler, and then is injected first into the areas of the deepest lines and greatest need. So crow’s eyes and wrinkles will slowly start to disappear.

After the PRP concentration process described above, the PRP is mixed with calcium chloride that activates the growth factor immediately prior to injection.  During the PRP injection process, multiple areas of the face that would not be appropriate for fillers, such as the forehead, around the eyes, and the cheeks, are targeted to give you that new beauty look.

The use of activated PRP in this facial is especially best for people with general facial volume loss such as that which occurs with aging and/or weight loss.  After injection and over the next several days, injected platelets release growth factors which stimulate collagen production, blood vessel growth and tissue regeneration like the PRP Facial process, but at a much deeper level.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP?

We've mentioned before the benefits of PRP therapy and what you need to know about them. Platelets are a small colorless disk-shaped cell fragment in the blood that function as a natural reservoir for growth factors that are essential to repair injured tissues. The growth factors that the platelets secrete stimulate tissue recovery by increasing collagen production, increases the number of tendon stem cell, and builds up important proteins. These growth factors also stimulate blood flow and cause cartilage to become more firm and resilient. By injecting your own plasma into your cells, your cells become healthier and any damage is repaired, to give you a healthier appearance.

What's a PRP Facial?

The difference between the facelift vs the facial is how the PRP is used on the face.  With the PRP Facial, microneedling is used to create thousands of microscopic channels of varying depths into the skin. When the PRP is applied over the microneedled areas, it is able to penetrate deeper into the underlying skin. 

The PRP then intensifies the natural healing mechanism within the skin by the absorption of its high concentration of growth factors. The microneedling with PRP is best for patients who have baseline good skin that is not severely damaged, but who are looking for overall skin rejuvenation and improvement in skin texture.

How Long Does it Take to See Results?

Since PRP is thought to rejuvenate the skin internally, people usually see results over the course of a few weeks. Initially, there is some swelling caused by the procedure, but this subsides over the course of a few days. After a few weeks there is an increase in the blood supply to the skin as vascular channels open up. This will help to rejuvenate the skin internally. It usually takes about six weeks before you will see the initial results. The procedure can be repeated a few times and often in the first year. That way you can look your best all year long.

Why Is the PRP Facial Better than a Traditional Surgical Facelift?

Traditional facelifts tighten and lift loose skin on the face, but do not do anything to add volume to the face that has been lost over time. Surgical facelifts also expose you to possible anesthesia and post-op infections. It takes a lot more work and has more complications. Additionally, long healing times are common with facelifts depending on the extent of the facelift. The bruising from traditional facelifts lasts up to 6-8 weeks.

Basically, the biggest advantages of this facial are that this procedure involves only needle injections of very safe products, including fillers and a derivative of your blood (PRP), precisely to the desired areas of your face that need volume and enhancement. The best side effects of the PRP Facial include minimal downtime, no anesthesia risk, and virtually no side effects of significance.

What’s the Difference Between Traditional Microneedling and the PRP Facial?

In short, both facial treatments improve the skin’s texture and help to reduce unwanted wrinkles. Healing time is the major difference between the two treatments. With traditional microneedling, you can usually expect five to seven days of redness or downtime.

Microneedling with PRP decreases downtime to 24 hours. How? By using platelet-rich plasma, you are essentially healing the micro-injuries to the skin as they are inflicted. The rich growth factors and healing properties within the PRP stimulates greater collagen formation and boosts the skin’s natural healing process. Microneedling with PRP is superior to traditional microneedling because you can achieve better results with fewer treatments.

Rejuvenate Your Face Today!

If you're interested in getting either a PRP facial make sure you do the research and see if its right for you. It will definitely help you look younger and make your skin look healthier. The results speak for themselves. There are plenty of places to try it.

At Liquivida Lounge, they have a professional and courteous staff that will ensure you get the best service possible. Liquivida's beauty and health experts will make you feel safe, comfortable, and at ease. So you don’t have to worry about the process itself. You just have to worry about which of your friends and family you will show your rejuvenated face to next.